Being Queen.

Me: “So there are times when I’m feeling good and I’m looking good and I’m getting all of the attention and I feel like the Queen, you know?”

Friend: “Mm-hmm.”

Me: “And then there are days when I feel ugly and get none of the attention and I feel like a peasant.”

Friend: “Who said you need people’s attention to feel like a Queen? If you are a Queen already, sh*t like that doesn’t matter.”


Friend: *non-nonchalantly takes another drag from his cigarette*

Moral of the story ~ If you know you’re a Queen, you don’t need anybody’s attention or approval or appreciation. If you don’t get any of that, it does NOT make you any less of a Queen as long as YOU know what you are. Also, I’m lucky I got friends that beat small things like this into my stupid head whenever I need the reminding.




(images aren’t mine, credits to owners).

Pastel Grunge.



gaaaaahhh it is so meee I love love love it!

Here are some really cool pastel grunge themed quotes that I found on my useless ramblings around the internet and my interpretations as to what they mean and why I like them (not in order of preference).

Number 1 ~

This one is weird because sometimes black holes are beautiful and powerful. Just be true to yourself, don’t make promises you can’t keep, don’t be afraid. 🙂

Number 2 ~

All through my life I’ve struggled with never being good enough. I still do. I feel like nothing I ever do is good enough for my parents. It’s always not right. And sometimes I have to make my peace with the fact that I’m not perfect, but I can still strive to be, right?

Number three ~

Pretty self-explanatory.

-I’m not thirsty, I’m not desperate, I’m just greedy-

Number four ~

My life right about now.

Number five ~

It isn’t. So don’t tell me what to wear and what to cover and what to hide. I’ve got curves and they will show even if you tape them down. I don’t tell you what to wear. So you don’t tell me. We’ll all live in peace. xoxox

Number six ~

Something that I know to be true but also something that I am TERRIFIED of doing. My best friend told me that there is so much beauty in being vulnerable. She’s right. But there’s also so much strength in being vulnerable and I don’t want to test my strengths again. Ah, but time will tell.

Number seven ~

The kind of love I crave.

Number eight ~

To all the girls (and boys) in middle school and high school who are bending over backwards trying to fit in, trying to get your crush to notice you, trying to just be your beautiful self even though everyone else claims you’re ugly – nobody’s opinion defines you. Especially not some other little teen-aged boy who may think he knows everything but actually has a loo-oo-oong way to go. Not all boys are like that, but you may meet some of these sour grapes along the way. Don’t let them get to you!

Number nine ~

so fuck off.

Number ten ~

And it is magnificent.

Number eleven ~

Don’t fall for something superficial? But also, believe it when they mean it.

Number twelve ~

I really hope so.






Don’t Settle.

Don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve.

Do not, I repeat, do not stop yourself from dreaming big. Dare to dream big, dare to think without limitations. Don’t let the mundane reality of life around you stop you from dreaming and working toward better things.

Do not let go of your drive and passion and motivation and everything, keep that ocean in your heart raging, don’t let it die.

It’s never too late.

Always keep your dream alive.
And work towards making that your reality.


(featured art work : Heart of the Sea by Pilar Cordoba)

Living the Moment.

When you live life in the moment –

there’s really so much you can do. There’s so much you can feel. It’s like all these amazing feelings that are concentrated into that one space of time. There’s glitter in you veins and colour in the air.

It’s alright to live in that moment.

Kiss a stranger. Dance in your underwear. Scream at the top of your lungs. Sing. Have drunken conversations while star-gazing. Swing too fast. Make a new friend.

Keep your moment pure. don’t tarnish your moment by doing something you’d remember with guilt and shame. Because that’s why it’s called living in the moment – once the moment’s gone, it’s gone, and all you’re left with is the memory of it.

So go ahead, live your moment.
Live it with the grace and the wilderness that only you could.



This may seem as somewhat of a random post but I really want to express my love for this aesthetic that is my current obsession (as you can see from the blog theme no doubt) ~

It makes me think of rose-gold-sunshine-classic-vintage-pink-lemonade-cotton candy-sunset-cloud-neon-light-dreamy-heady-passion-pop-fizz I better stop.


~ Have a Lemonade Day! 🙂

Acquired Taste.

To all the women out there –

Don’t be afraid to be an acquired taste. Maybe the boys will fall for the tall, slender, blue-eyed beauty. But maybe there are some of them out there who really like short, chubby-cheeked brunettes.

All I’m trying to say is, it’s alright if you’re different from the beauty standards of the society you live in – just be unabashedly you.

So whether you’re the blonde or the brunette, or whether you have black, green or blue eyes, don’t feel small because you don’t fit into the mold of what people around you think is a beautiful woman.

Because it’s perfectly okay to be an acquired taste.

~ Have a Lemonade Day!

[P.S. : The featured image is by Henn Kim, we loooove his artwork.]

Love stories.


You know that’s beautiful?

Those stories that begin with “The moment I saw her, I fell in love” or “I knew he was the one I wanted to spend my life with the minute I saw him”?

Not those.

It’s the ones that began with “When I first met him, I thought he was the most arrogant guy on the planet” or “The first time I saw her, she had the most awful haircut!”.

It’s alright if you don’t get a perfect love story – as long as it’s a good story!


“I set a goal for myself. And that goal was independence.”
~ Beyoncé Knowles Carter

Dare to dream of independence.

Goodnight everyone!

– Have a Lemonade Day 🙂

Have A Lemonade Day.

When life gives you lemons make lemonade, right?
Or throw in some vodka and a pinch of salt – whatever floats your boat.

All we’re saying is – you’re all welcome here, and you can bring your lemonades and your vodka shots and we can have a party.

We’ll have little bits of writing, maybe some poetry, maybe some fiction – maybe something a little nonsensical sometimes. Doodles. Photographs. Sketches. Anything. Every week.

Also –

If you believe strongly about something, if you have an opinion about something, if you want to tell us about something you love, if you want to tell us about something you think should be different, if you have a few thoughts or a lot of thoughts, if you just write or take pictures, if life has thrown some real tough situations your way and you have overcome them, or are in the process of overcoming them, or are unable to overcome them and you want to share all of this, and just put it out there – let us know. (We’ll keep you anonymous if you like.) Write us at

Let’s spread happiness and strength and beauty. We daresay the world is in need of a lot more of that.

So, write to us and we’ll feature you or follow us if you’d like to know what we have to say! And don’t forget to Have a Lemonade Day. 🙂

(P.S: Let’s be real – the REAL reason this blog has the word “Lemonade” in its name is because Beyoncé >>>>>
P.P.S.: Unless mentioned otherwise, none of the pictures are mine. Image credits to owners.)